regressioninc.linear module#

Regressors for estimating parameters for linear problems

These are built on numpy as numpy.linalg.lstsq does allow and support complex-valued inputs. However, it does not output residuals for complex-valued variables, therefore these are calculated out explicitly.

regressioninc.linear.add_intercept(X: ndarray) ndarray[source]#

Add an intercept to the regressors


X (np.ndarray) – The regressors


The regressors with an extra column of ones to represent to allow solving for the intercept term

Return type:



>>> import numpy as np
>>> from regressioninc.linear import add_intercept
>>> X = np.array([[2,3], [4,5]])
>>> X
array([[2, 3],
       [4, 5]])

Now add the intercept

>>> X = add_intercept(X)
>>> X
array([[2, 3, 1],
       [4, 5, 1]])
regressioninc.linear.complex_to_glr(X: ndarray, y: ndarray) tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray][source]#

Convert complex-valued linear problem to a real-valued generalised linear regression

  • X (np.ndarray) – The regressors

  • y (np.ndarray) – The observations


X, y converted to real-valued generalised linear regression

Return type:

tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]


>>> from regressioninc.linear import add_intercept, complex_to_glr
>>> X = np.array([3 + 4j, 2 + 8j, 6 + 4j]).reshape(3,1)
>>> X = add_intercept(X)
>>> y = np.array([-2 - 4j, -1 - 3j, 5 + 6j])
>>> X_glr, y_glr = complex_to_glr(X, y)
>>> X_glr
array([[ 3., -4.,  1., -0.],
       [ 4.,  3.,  0.,  1.],
       [ 2., -8.,  1., -0.],
       [ 8.,  2.,  0.,  1.],
       [ 6., -4.,  1., -0.],
       [ 4.,  6.,  0.,  1.]])
>>> y_glr
array([-2., -4., -1., -3.,  5.,  6.])
regressioninc.linear.glr_coef_to_complex(coef: ndarray) ndarray[source]#

Transform coefficients from real to complex-values for complex-valued problems that were posed


coef (np.ndarray) – Coefficients array


The complex-valued coefficients

Return type:



Let’s generate a complex-valued linear problem, pose it as a linear problem and then convert the returned coefficients back to complex

Generate the linear problem and add an intercept column to the regressors

>>> import numpy as np
>>> np.set_printoptions(precision=3, suppress=True)
>>> from regressioninc.testing.complex import ComplexGrid, generate_linear_grid
>>> from regressioninc.linear import add_intercept, LeastSquares
>>> from regressioninc.linear import complex_to_glr, glr_coef_to_complex
>>> coef = np.array([3 + 2j])
>>> grid = ComplexGrid(r1=-1, r2=1, nr=3, i1=4, i2=6, ni=3)
>>> X, y = generate_linear_grid(coef, [grid], intercept=10)
>>> X = add_intercept(X)

Convert the complex-valued problem to a real-valued problem

>>> X_glr, y_glr = complex_to_glr(X, y)

Solve the real-valued linear problem

>>> model = LeastSquares()
>>>, y_glr)

Look at the real-valued coefficients

>>> model.coef
array([ 3.,  2., 10.,  0.])

Convert the coefficients back to the complex domain

>>> glr_coef_to_complex(model.coef)
array([ 3.+2.j, 10.+0.j])
pydantic model regressioninc.linear.LinearRegressor[source]#

Bases: Regressor

Base class for LinearRegression

Show JSON schema
   "title": "LinearRegressor",
   "description": "Base class for LinearRegression",
   "type": "object",
   "properties": {
      "coef": {
         "title": "Coef"
      "residuals": {
         "title": "Residuals"
      "rank": {
         "title": "Rank",
         "type": "integer"
      "singular": {
         "title": "Singular"

field coef: ndarray | None = None#

The coefficients

field residuals: ndarray | None = None#

The square residuals

field rank: int | None = None#

The rank of the predictors

field singular: ndarray | None = None#

The singular values of the predictors

fit(X: ndarray, y: ndarray) ndarray[source]#

Fit the linear model

predict(X: ndarray) ndarray[source]#

Predict using the linear model


X (np.ndarray) – The predictors


The predicted observations

Return type:



ValueError – If the coefficients are None. This is most likely the case if the model has not been fitted first.

fit_predict(X: ndarray, y: ndarray) ndarray[source]#

Fit and predict on predictors X and observations y

  • X (np.ndarray) – The predictors to use for the fit and predict

  • y (np.ndarray) – The observations for the fit


The predicted observations

Return type:


pydantic model regressioninc.linear.LeastSquares[source]#

Bases: LinearRegressor

Standard linear regression

Show JSON schema
   "title": "LeastSquares",
   "description": "Standard linear regression",
   "type": "object",
   "properties": {
      "coef": {
         "title": "Coef"
      "residuals": {
         "title": "Residuals"
      "rank": {
         "title": "Rank",
         "type": "integer"
      "singular": {
         "title": "Singular"

fit(X: ndarray, y: ndarray) ndarray[source]#

Fit the linear problem using least squares regression

  • X (np.ndarray) – The predictors

  • y (np.ndarray) – The observations


The coefficients

Return type:


pydantic model regressioninc.linear.WeightedLeastSquares[source]#

Bases: LinearRegressor

Transform X and y using the weights to perform a weighted least squares

\[\sqrt{weights} y = \sqrt{weights} X coef ,\]

is equivalent to,

\[X^H weights y = X^H weights X coef ,\]

where \(X^H\) is the hermitian transpose of X.

In this method, both the observations y and the predictors X are multipled by the square root of the weights and then returned.

Show JSON schema
   "title": "WeightedLeastSquares",
   "description": "Transform X and y using the weights to perform a weighted least squares\n\n.. math::\n    \\sqrt{weights} y = \\sqrt{weights} X coef ,\n\nis equivalent to,\n\n.. math::\n    X^H weights y = X^H weights X coef ,\n\nwhere :math:`X^H` is the hermitian transpose of X.\n\nIn this method, both the observations y and the predictors X are multipled\nby the square root of the weights and then returned.",
   "type": "object",
   "properties": {
      "coef": {
         "title": "Coef"
      "residuals": {
         "title": "Residuals"
      "rank": {
         "title": "Rank",
         "type": "integer"
      "singular": {
         "title": "Singular"

fit(X: ndarray, y: ndarray, weights: ndarray) ndarray[source]#

Apply weights to observations and predictors and find the coefficients of the linear model

  • X (np.ndarray) – The predictors

  • y (np.ndarray) – The observations

  • weights (np.ndarray) – The weights to apply to the samples


The coefficients for the model

Return type:



ValueError – If the size of weights does not match the size of the observations y

pydantic model regressioninc.linear.M_estimate[source]#

Bases: LinearRegressor

Show JSON schema
   "title": "M_estimate",
   "description": "Base class for LinearRegression",
   "type": "object",
   "properties": {
      "coef": {
         "title": "Coef"
      "residuals": {
         "title": "Residuals"
      "rank": {
         "title": "Rank",
         "type": "integer"
      "singular": {
         "title": "Singular"
      "n_iter": {
         "title": "N Iter",
         "default": 50,
         "type": "integer"
      "early_stopping": {
         "title": "Early Stopping",
         "default": 1e-05,
         "type": "number"

field n_iter: int = 50#
field early_stopping: float = 1e-05#
fit(X: ndarray, y: ndarray)[source]#

Fit the linear model

pydantic model regressioninc.linear.MM_estimate[source]#

Bases: LinearRegressor

Show JSON schema
   "title": "MM_estimate",
   "description": "Base class for LinearRegression",
   "type": "object",
   "properties": {
      "coef": {
         "title": "Coef"
      "residuals": {
         "title": "Residuals"
      "rank": {
         "title": "Rank",
         "type": "integer"
      "singular": {
         "title": "Singular"

fit(X: ndarray, y: ndarray) ndarray[source]#

Two stage M estimate

pydantic model regressioninc.linear.ComplexAsGLR[source]#

Bases: LinearRegressor

Show JSON schema
   "title": "ComplexAsGLR",
   "description": "Base class for LinearRegression",
   "type": "object",
   "properties": {
      "coef": {
         "title": "Coef"
      "residuals": {
         "title": "Residuals"
      "rank": {
         "title": "Rank",
         "type": "integer"
      "singular": {
         "title": "Singular"

fit(X, y, model)[source]#

Fit the linear model